Business > Everybody works in sales LTD

Everybody works in sales LTD

Sales is the foundation of your business, yet most people can’t sell. Selling isn’t 10 ways to close a deal or getting one up on your customers. Selling is developing relationships, understanding how to present, using LinkedIn, maximising networking and most important, helping others. After 23 years running sales teams and 8 years as a coach and trainer, Niraj Kapur shares the best tips to use in business right now that will help you generate more sales and revenue.

1. Listen

People talk too much about their product. Nobody cares about your product, they care about what your product can do for them and that you understand their needs. Talk 30% and listen 70%.

2. Ask Amazing Questions

Future based questions like” where do you want your business to be 6 months from now?” get a great discussion going with a client. “How’s” and “What’s” are important.

3. Overdeliver

Many businesses give the bare minimum to a client. Give more value than a client asks for. You need to follow the 80/20 rule here. 80% will appreciate this and do more business with you and recommend you to others. 20% will do nothing.

4. Learn To Network

Stop asking “what do you do?” when you first meet someone. That makes you sound like everybody else. “What brought you here?” is more interesting. Ask about them. Listen. Then ask them who they want to meet. When you introduce people to potential customers and ask for nothing in return, they’re always grateful, it’s great for your reputation and it’s surprising how much business you can pick up.

5. Thank you cards

Send thank you cards in the post after a great meeting at a client’s office, meeting someone at an event or when a client gives you a recommendation. The only thing most people get in the post are bills and junk mail. Thank you cards make you stand out from the crowd.

Niraj Kapur is an expert sales coach, trainer and author of the Amazon bestseller Everybody Works In Sales. To generate more sales for your business, contact 07733179854 or email: