Technology > What does your cyber security posture look like?

What does your cyber security posture look like?

Cyber security may not be at the forefront of your mind when setting out plans for your business in 2021, but as SMEs are more likely to be attacked by cyber criminals due to lack of security, it’s vital to have a well-designed IT security solution to protect your organisation.

It’s best practice to take a multi-layered approach to IT security. Here are just a few considerations to help guide you through your security planning in 2021.

Where to begin securing your business?

If you’re unsure where to start, begin with an IT Security Assessment. With an IT Security Assessment, you can discover the state of your overall security posture and identify any gaps where your security is falling short. It can highlight where you’re at low risk and where you could be vulnerable. This will enable you to develop an IT Security strategy that is aligned to your current risks.

Your antivirus protection is not enough

Your antivirus provides a vital wall of defence against known viruses and malware, but as technology evolves, so does cybercrime, which is why traditional antivirus software is not enough to protect your organisation on its own.

Traditional antivirus periodically scans devices looking for malicious files based on a ‘signature’, the specific threat carries. Unfortunately, there are now many types of malware that can’t be detected with traditional methods. For example, file-less malware that operates in your computer’s memory is hidden from malware signature scanners, thus undetectable with traditional antivirus.

Managed Detection & Response (MDR) is a security solution that’s designed to alert you or your IT partner to any type of unusual activity. It monitors your endpoints and keeps a log of ‘normal activity’, so when anything abnormal is detected, your security team is notified and can begin investigating.

Endpoint detection provides you with the real-time visibility you need, rather than a periodic scan that may miss malicious activity, something confirmed by IBM whose figures show that in 2019 it took an average of 206 days for businesses to identify a security breach.

What does your cyber security posture look like? - All Things Business

Take control of your devices

Mobile Device Management (MDM) enables you to take control of your devices, whether you manage a specific operating system, multiple device types or have a mix between corporate and Bring Your Own Device.

We know that during the first lockdown many businesses utilised their employees’ own devices for work as it was quicker than ordering devices and helped save money – however, this brought a variety of security risks.

MDM provides you with the visibility you need to protect your data as well as easy management and security for iOS, Android, and Windows devices. Your users can enrol with ease thanks to the rapid deployment, and it creates a flexible environment for your users as they can work on the devices they choose, while your data stays protected.

90% of security breaches are caused by human error

When was the last time you trained your employees on cyber security? Do they know the warning signs of a phishing email or how to detect a fake website? It won’t matter how good your security solutions are if your employees accidentally download malware or give away their business credentials. Your employees are your first line of defence against cybercrime, which is why you need to invest in Cybersecurity Awareness Training, aka User Awareness Training.

ID Agent states that 92.4% of malware is delivered via email – phishing emails are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect due to them being highly targeted. More of these emails are using spoofed email addresses, even replicating your colleagues’ emails, which is why security training is needed to ensure your employees know the signs and are cautious when receiving unexpected emails with malicious links.

However, it doesn’t stop in the office, this affects how your employees share data online, such as on their social media. Cyber criminals research the business they’re attacking, investigating the employees, and finding key information such as special dates, names, and even hobbies, to try to hack your passwords or security questions.

If you want to keep your business protected, User Awareness Training is a necessity, not a choice.

Emails are an open door to cyber criminals

Security risks to your emails are constantly evolving, which is why you need a solution that’ll defend against both known and new threats. Advanced email protection helps protect your organisation against targeted threats such as phishing, and business email compromise.

Malicious URLs and attachments are blocked before they arrive in your employee’s mailbox, and your emails get scanned for signs of fraud or social engineering. Additionally, your administrators can set policies with ease, and encrypt messages and attachments based on their content, such as HR, Finance and more.

What does your cyber security posture look like? - All Things Business

Password protection

Make Multi-Factor Authentication a requirement. It provides an extra layer of protection to help secure your data. Furthermore, make sure you change your default passwords and check regularly to see if the default passwords have been updated – this includes default wifi passwords – as cyber criminals will try these passwords first to gain access to your data.

Partnering with a managed service provider can bring expert services into your organisation to either relieve pressure from your internal teams, or fully manage and monitor your security.

AZTech IT provides 24/7 IT support services, IT strategy, and IT security solutions. We offer a small number of free IT security assessments each month worth at least £1,500. If you need any help with your security plans, call 03300 949 420, email or visit the website Aztechit