Education > Northampton High School achieves its fourth Eco-Schools Green Flag!

Northampton High School achieves its fourth Eco-Schools Green Flag!

The Hardingstone based school has reached the milestone with school-wide initiatives involving students of all ages.

Northampton High School are pleased to announce that they have passed the (online) Eco Schools inspection and achieved their fourth Eco-Schools Green Flag. The school has continued to show best practice in order to secure the award for the fourth time, hitting all of the required criteria such as having its own committee, its own Eco-Code and continuing to monitor and evaluate current initiatives in the school. 

Keep Britain Tidy (the awarding body) have taken the opportunity to thank the school community for continuing to work on their Eco-Schools Green Flag during these unprecedented times, stating that “it is a true reflection of the school’s determination to make a real difference”. 

The school’s lead on their Eco Team, and head of the school’s Humanities department James Earp, commented,

“We are really proud that despite the ongoing challenges, the NHS Eco Team has continued their environmental work and have achieved our fourth consecutive Green Flag Award. This is very much a whole school effort, with students of all year groups as well as both teaching and support staff all playing key roles. We look forward to working on our new action plan to get a fifth flag!”. 

With students currently working from home as part of the school’s ‘Guided Home Learning’ programme, the Eco Team continues to meet online, and have exciting plans for further environmental work in the future once they are all back together in school.