Shine Learning and Training Centre CIC is an alternative education provision for 11-16 year olds and an online training provider. We have been running in Luton for the past 5 years and work closely with Luton schools. We also offer education to adults through our online training platform.
Shine LTC is running The Wellbeing Programme in the coming weeks. Shine LTC is able to offer this programme to its users for free as it has been funded by Near Neighbours. It will consist of online workshops with professionals to support your wellbeing in many ways and provide employability skills. There will be online calls in groups to discuss how to manage your mental, emotional and financial wellbeing, how to effectively search for jobs and provide interview techniques, as well as 1-1 sessions to discuss how to write a quality CV.
The programme will run for 6-8 weeks starting from 12th April 2021. Dates and times of the weekly sessions are to be confirmed. Look out for further details on The Wellbeing Programme on our Facebook page @shinelearningandtrainingcic or Twitter @shineluton.
If you would like to reserve your place for The Wellbeing Programme email