Business > Intelligent logistics: it is all about network connections 

Intelligent logistics: it is all about network connections 

Dachser’s business is the provision of transport logistics for distribution, warehousing and customised value-added services, giving customers across the UK access to new markets and sources of supply throughout Europe and the rest of the world. From its Northampton headquarters, along with depots in the south and north west, Dachser operates daily road services connecting with a network of 228 company-owned facilities across Europe.

The Dachser Air & Sea Logistics division operates in global markets, providing airfreight and ocean transport services. In addition to these two pillars of operation are its comprehensive warehouse activities, including contract logistics, the management of global supply chains and industry-specific solutions such as Dachser DIY-Logistics and Chem-Logistics.

The benefits of a business with its own network are the reliability to develop and consolidate efficiently through geographies and maintaining visibility of consignments both in transit and delivery. This intelligent logistics ensures consistency and accuracy, and these features have brought loyalty from Dachser’s customer base, on which the company prides itself.

This trust between Dachser and its market has been the foundation of maintaining a reliable service over the past few months, even with the upheavals in economic and social behaviour, the consequent dramatic variations in the market, and numerous disruptions to transport links. Dachser has kept its customers’ global supply chains running without interruption by adopting flexible solutions, a fundamental aspect of intelligent logistics provision.

One aspect of the convolutions in the UK retail market which has presented challenges to supply chain stability has been the boom in omnichannel sales, particularly in e-commerce. The Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures show that at the beginning of lockdown, in April last year, 30% of retail sales were conducted online, comparing with only 18% in the previous year, while the Christmas peak saw buying online account for over 36% of sales.

This trend continued into January 2021, and it has appeared to settle at about one-third of retail consumption, with the latest figures (for March) at just under 33%.

Succession through pandemic 

Much of the online retail market consists of fashion and clothing. In lockdown, the purchasing behaviour of the population shifted, a result of being forced into different lifestyle choices. Other sectors that have seen either an increase in interest or a change from the previous norm are household goods, domestic appliances and DIY products. Retail analysts are predicting that many of these buying patterns may become habitual. Consequently, there have been considerable effects on the supply chain demands made by retailers, with volumes and product order configurations altering. In some cases, there has also been a change in the manufacturing supply locations. Above all, the immediacy of demand typical of e-commerce sales has required considerably decreased delivery and lead times for stock.

In response, Dachser has been working closely with its customers to find solutions to the changing supply chain environment.

For example, the groupage and partial load services Dachser offers enable customers to have the ability to move freight in smaller quantities regularly from region to region. However, it is the reliability of delivery that remains critical. Merchandise must be delivered when expected and arrive intact. These are standard requirements for all customers for them to stay competitive in this dynamic market situation.

Dachser is proud to have supported the medical industry throughout the pandemic, ensuring the efficient delivery of essential products such as face masks and hand sanitisers. Additionally, to support their customers in uncertain times, Dachser decided not to add any additional surcharges resulting from the impact of COVID-19.

In maintaining its standards of service, for Dachser the network is everything. Direct control through a network of warehouse and facilities enables the seamless transport of customers’ merchandise. The company will continue developing and consolidating its network geographically, with a commonality of human resources, training, standards of safety and security, operating processes, and IT systems. Dachser, as the most integrated logistics providers, remains the company’s central mission.

It seems paradoxical that the effects of the pandemic have brought so many social and business activities to a standstill, yet the pace of life appears to be getting faster.

Digitalisation, globalisation, climate change and innovative technologies advance unabated, radically changing markets and the interactions of businesses and societies. To continue to serve its customers amid these trends, Dachser will learn the relevant lessons for the future, carefully ensuring a balance of stability while reacting to any developing change.

Find out more about Dachser’s services on 01604 433185, email or visit