Education > Website points the way for a digital-first future

Website points the way for a digital-first future

When your website is your shop window it’s vital to make sure it looks good, to tempt the customers through the front door. While Northampton College may not be in the retail sector, attracting prospective students and building long-lasting relationships with employers is a key part of its strategy – and a modern, easy-to-use website is an essential part of that.

Following an extensive process of crowdsourcing opinion from focus groups, evaluating design concepts and content planning the college has launched a fully refreshed new site – giving the college a new visual identity while allowing visitors to explore the range of courses and find out more about college life at the push of a button.

Data and analytics heavily influenced the design process. An increasing number of users access the site on a mobile phone so it is essential the new site works just as well on a small screen in the palm of your hand as it does on a 27-inch 4k desktop display.

The new site features a fully personalised experience, tailored to the individual user depending on whether they are a school leaver, an adult student, an apprentice or looking to study at university level. This is complemented by a personalised course guide; allowing prospective students to select only the pages relevant to them rather than having to wade through an entire prospectus.

Following feedback from key audience profiles, a refreshed menu places greater emphasis on student support while the website has been redesigned to make key information such as term dates and the latest COVID protocols easily accessible at the top of the page.

In collaboration with local employers, the college has created a dedicated hub for business information, concisely pulling together information on apprenticeships, work experience, and other ways to get involved with the college while there is a brand new page listing employer forums and events.

There is a new document hub for students, parents and employers to access information relevant to them – from careers advice and course guides to policies and reports.

Principal Pat Brennan-Barrett said:

“It has truly been a labour of love and we hope students, parents and employers enjoy using it as much as we have enjoyed putting it together. The world of websites has evolved at incredible pace since we first established an online presence around 25 years ago. With such spectacular change, digital has cemented its position as arguably one of the most exciting sectors in the worldwide economy – and a new generation of digital natives are ready to take things to the next level.

“With that in mind, the launch of our new-look website coincides with the official opening of our multi-million-pound Digital Academy at Booth Lane. This fantastic new facility combines cutting edge technology with state-of-the-art equipment – including a fully equipped Esports arena. 

“It’s tomorrow’s learning environment, today.”

For more information on all courses and details of how to get involved, visit Northampton College.