Technology > A connectivity Christmas carol

A connectivity Christmas carol

Not everyone celebrates Christmas, but one thing that even Ebenezer Scrooge would have needed if he was still running his money-lending business today, is good connectivity.

If Scrooge and Marley – the fictional money-lending firm owned by Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ tale, A Christmas Carol – was in business today, chances are it would have the lowest cost broadband service available, and only paid the monthly fee grudgingly. 

Connectivity is the fuel that keeps today’s business burning brightly. It enables organisations to make the best use of online resources, to communicate effectively, allow people to work at home, to reach into new territories and markets, be more responsive and deliver a better customer experience. 

Fuel to thrive and grow 

Most businesses simply can’t operate without a good internet connection. They certainly can’t work efficiently and effectively. But with genuinely fast, reliable connectivity they can move faster, thrive and grow.

This is driving more organisations to install a dedicated leased line. The guaranteed bandwidth and speed, both up-stream and down-stream that you get from a leased line means you will always get the performance you need – and you won’t see a drop-off at busy times. With a leased line you get an assurance of availability and a high level of service.

Boxx offers a wide range of leased line services from several leading players – and is are also a City Champion in Milton Keynes for CityFibre, the leading independent infrastructure provider. With the support of these partners, Boxx is able to offer the best option to suit clients, wherever they may be located. In many situations groundworks may not be required and installation can be completed within 45 days.

Looking to the future 

Boxx can arrange flexible contacts – of between 12 months and seven years. You’ll pay more for having greater flexibility, and less for making a longer commitment – and it may well be worth making that commitment, because your connectivity needs are only going to move in one direction. With the growth in use of online and cloud services, and of video conferencing and home working, all organisations need more bandwidth now. 

Leased lines are surprisingly affordable, and you can rely on Boxx to co-ordinate the installation and ensure there is no disruption to your business.

Doing business with a flourish

Boxx is not suggesting that you should be working on the December 25 – as Scrooge would have had his staff do – or any other recognised holiday. But it will be good to know is that when you get back into the workplace after a much-needed winter break, you will have the fast, reliable connectivity that will enable your business to flourish.

Everyone at Boxx would like to think that, if he was running his business in Milton Keynes today, even old Scrooge would have seen the sense of committing to a leased line.

Find out more about leased line options in the Milton Keynes area.