Education > Get to grips with your business’s carbon footprint

Get to grips with your business’s carbon footprint

The COP26 conference is behind us and it might, therefore, be tempting to think that climate change has been dealt with, or at least that something is now being done and the rest of us can relax and carry on as before. That would be a very dangerous assumption, however. Sustainability

The science is unambiguous; we need to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050 or risk severe consequences. Every single organisation and individual has their part to play to make this happen.

As a business leader, this may sound onerous, and you may think that making your business more environmentally sustainable will mean increased expense and reduced profits. However, the reality is just the opposite; not only can you improve the sustainability of your business, by doing so you can improve efficiency, reduce costs and maximise profits. Best of all, help is available to make your business as sustainable and successful as possible.

Getting a GRIP

Available to businesses in North and West Northamptonshire, the Green Recovery and Innovation Programme (GRIP) is an initiative funded by the Government via the UK Community Renewal Fund and delivered by SEMLEP’s Growth Hub. It is designed to make it as easy as possible for businesses to become more sustainable, more efficient, more innovative and more successful.

The programme will consist of one-to-one support with a range of experts including innovation and energy specialists to help you discuss, identify and develop your innovation and sustainability plans. After this, you will be able to attend a series of workshops designed to help boost your productivity and make your business more sustainable, both now and in the future.

Delegates will also have the opportunity to apply for grants of up to £10,000 (50% private sector match required) to spend on consultancy support and small capital items, and to support the innovations that will help make the business more sustainable. This could be something as simple as replacing existing lights with LED lighting.

By participating in the GRIP programme, businesses will not only be making themselves more innovative and sustainable, they’ll be making themselves more successful too. It is possible to save money by making a business more efficient and reducing costs and, by managing resources more efficiently, you will maximise profit while reducing your carbon footprint. 

Increasingly, employers, consumers and other stakeholders expect the organisations with which they do business to adopt ambitious climate targets. By participating in GRIP, businesses will be demonstrating a commitment to helping the environment, making the organisation a more promising prospect. Not only could this give an additional competitive advantage, it may also improve access to capital, since people want to be associated with companies that have the right impact on the world.

Lastly, participating will help you to grow your brand and raise awareness of your business. You will be taking a stand, and not only showing potential customers that you care but that you are willing to put it into genuine, meaningful action.

Although this is only available to businesses in Northamptonshire, other support is available to businesses elsewhere, so get in touch to see how SEMLEP can help.

To learn more about the sustainability programme and to register your interest, visit this website here