Education > Thornton College – Excellent in All Areas ISI Inspection Report October 2022

Thornton College – Excellent in All Areas ISI Inspection Report October 2022

In September at the start of the new academic year Thornton College was inspected by the ISI, the Independent School Inspectorate. Thornton received the final inspection report in October and you can download the full inspection report on the school’s website – it includes both the results of the Compliance Inspection and the Educational Quality Inspection.

The Educational Quality Inspection reports upon two key outcomes:

  • The achievement of the pupils, including their academic development, and
  • The personal development of the pupils

In both outcomes, Thornton College has been awarded Excellent, the highest possible judgement.

‘The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent’.

The Compliance Inspection is one that can only be judged as ‘met’ or ‘not met’. Thornton College was found to have ‘met’ and therefore be compliant, in all areas, such as those related to welfare, health and safety of students and safeguarding.

The full inspection report includes specific examples and detailed commentary to explain the conclusions reached by the inspectors.

Dr Louise Shaw, Head Teacher said:

“This is the highest outcome that any school can achieve, and we are incredibly proud of our whole school community; students, parents, guardians, teaching and support colleagues, governors and trustees.

The report highlights what an outstanding place Thornton is in offering the very best opportunities for students of all ages, from our very youngest in Pre-Reception to our Sixth Form students – the inspectors have firmly confirmed that girls at Thornton thrive”.