Corby estate agency Belvoir has reassured local landlords following the announcement of new proposed bills in the King’s Speech last week, which will have significant impact on the housing market.
The newly elected Labour government has promised to overhaul the British private rental sector and the suggested laws – including the Renters’ Rights Bill – could mean huge changes for both landlords and tenants.
The legislation will improve tenants’ rights, giving them the opportunity to challenge rent increases, request a pet, avoid bidding wars and abolish no fault evictions.
Belvoir, in George Street, has dispelled fears that the rental market will become tricky to manage for those with investment properties.
The leading estate agent has also praised the Awaab’s Law which will legally enforce swift action by landlords on any reported mould or damp issues. All problems must be investigated within two weeks, ensuring safer living conditions.
Belvoir Corby managing director, Bobby Singh Braich, said:
“It is more important than ever that landlords have an experienced agent such as Belvoir to help ensure compliance. The new regulations will bring important change for the housing market. Landlords will need to be more aware of new tenant rights and ensure that their properties are meeting the required standards.
“We are proud of the work we do with local landlords to make letting easier for them and enable them to be fair and responsible in their role. We ensure rented homes are safe for tenants with annual gas safety checks and we offer our rent guarantee scheme for peace of mind for landlords.
“The fact that our landlords come to Belvoir for support in managing their properties means that they are already responsible landlords, committed to building a fair and long-lasting relationship with their tenants.
“We would always encourage our landlords to behave ethically, dealing promptly with tenant safety issues, and the Awaab’s Law simply puts that in writing.
“We are well versed and prepared for the changes ahead and any landlords who are concerned should give our knowledgeable expert lettings team a call. We can help to guide you through and ensure you stay on the right side of the law, dealing with tenants’ grievances in a timely manner. Working with an impartial intermediary that knows the laws inside out like we do ensures that everyone is dealt with fairly.”
If you are a landlord or tenant and are worried about how these changes will affect you, call Belvoir on 01536 261666.