Professional Services > Tax-efficient giving to help combat local poverty

Tax-efficient giving to help combat local poverty

With the financial year drawing to a close, Milton Keynes Community Foundation is urging local businesses to maximise their impact through tax-efficient giving. By aligning corporate giving strategy with the Foundation’s #InvisiblePovertyMK campaign, businesses can support local families struggling to survive the cost-of-living crisis – while benefiting from valuable tax relief opportunities.

Poverty is still a harsh reality for many local families, with almost one in three children living in hardship and, throughout the winter months, the Foundation continues to shine a light on this urgent crisis, raising crucial funding for local charities providing essential support to those in need.

The end of the financial year is fast approaching and, by donating before then, businesses can make a lasting difference while enjoying significant financial benefits.

Ian Revell, CEO of MK Community Foundation, said:

“Tax-efficient giving is a win-win for businesses and the community. It allows companies to make a meaningful impact on the lives of their neighbours while optimising their financial strategies. By giving through the Foundation, businesses can be confident their contributions are making a real difference in Milton Keynes – where they and their employees live and work.”

Tax-efficient options for businesses

MK Community Foundation offers multiple ways for businesses to give back:

  • Business Membership: Join from just £1,500 (VAT-free) and claim corporation tax relief. Business Members and Fundholders provide long-term support to the communities in which they operate, selecting from one of three vital causes that resonate most with the business and its employees’ values. By choosing to send donations into the Disadvantage and Poverty Fund, businesses can support charities and community projects working to alleviate some of the financial pressures facing households across Milton Keynes.
  • Funds and Endowments: Establish a lasting legacy by creating a fund tailored to the organisation’s giving goals. Starting a fund with MK Community Foundation is like having your own charitable trust without the hassle, admin and other associated costs. Using Vital Signs MK, the Foundation will work with businesses to set criteria against the fund, specifying the type of projectsthe business wants to support.

Donations made by a company to UK registered charities are considered a tax-deductible expense, meaning businesses can reduce the declared profit on which they pay corporation tax. This makes giving to MKCF a cost-effective option, whilst providing long- term support to the city in which the company and its employees live and work.

With the tax year-end just around the corner, by supporting the Community Foundation, a business can turn compassion into meaningful change – making 2025 a brighter year for those facing hardship in Milton Keynes.

To learn more about MK Community Foundation, please contact Philanthropy Director, Jake Geelan at or visit