Technology > In touch with the concerns of safety-conscious clients

In touch with the concerns of safety-conscious clients

It seems like there’s a new set of COVID-19 regulations each week now, some more impactful than others, and all of them coming with the underlying suggestion that things will only get worse if we don’t follow the rules. The Tier system gives a little more clarity, but regions remain under threat of being moved from one tier to another at relatively short notice, with little time to plan.

We have to accept that the likes of social distancing, rules of six and masks could be with us for some time to come, and it certainly seems that it will be some time before everyone is confident that they are completely safe in a public area or workplace.

For that reason, it makes sense for businesses to look now at cost-effective safety measures that will make employees and visitors feel protected, and which will remain as easy-to-use safeguards even once the pandemic is over, but awareness of infection control remains at the forefront.

AWS Tel Sec in Luton specialises in access control, CCTV and alarms, and has a range of solutions including facial recognition systems, mask and temperature detection and hands-free exit solutions that all combine to reduce the risk of transmission in buildings.

Ellena O’Sullivan, from AWS Tel Sec, said: “When multiple individuals share common touch points; such as push buttons, handles, push bars, keypads and press-to-exit buttons, there is an evident risk of spreading infection. Viruses are invisible and can remain infectious on stainless steel for up to 48 hours.

“But it isn’t difficult to install measures that reduce that risk, and although there is, of course, a cost implication, this could well be the ‘new normal’ and staff and visitors will come to expect such measures for the foreseeable future. With this in mind, we’re offering businesses a free COVID Secure Assessment to identify the risks in their premises and offer advice on what steps they can take.”

By using the latest technology, AWS Tel Sec provide facial recognition terminals that monitor temperature and whether or not someone is wearing a mask and will only triggers doors to open if the technology is satisfied there is no risk. Using the technology, time and attendance with temperature records can be logged, thereby reducing the requirement to manually staff entry points and making tracing easier, and the automatic doors reduce the number of touch points at entry doors.

Foot pedals for toilet and internal doors mean less contact with handles and touch points while automated arms can be fitted to adapt existing open doors; and barriers at counters can allow a set number of people in accordance to social distancing requirements. Infrared buttons that sense movement up to 60mm, allow visitors to safely hover their hand over the button without touching replace push to exit.

Ellena added:

“At first, we all thought safety measures would be a short-term thing, but it’s looking increasingly sensible for firms to take whatever steps they can. Many of these solutions are not prohibitively expensive, but could prevent someone becoming ill, which can be costly to the business and can cause disruption where teams need to get tests or self-isolate.

“Our free assessment gives us the opportunity to discuss with a client what is available and give them some ideas on how they can introduce simple safety measures.”

AWS Tel Sec are offering a free COVID Secure Assessment on your premises. Call 01582 730241, email