Business > Attracting the Best – The Bar is Rising

Attracting the Best – The Bar is Rising

The employment sector is in something of a state of flux at the moment with few people able to predict what the ‘new normal’ will actually look like. Four members of networking organisation Collaborate MK, all of them involved in HR, careers and recruitment, share their experience and expertise as employers begin to get to grips with their future employment plans.

Michelle Theuma –

How can employers attract as well as keep hold of their top talent when everyone else wants them?

  • Can you articulate your employee proposition?
  • Is your remuneration and benefits package good enough?
  • Do you offer agile working?
  • Do you offer career progression?
  • Do you listen to your employees?

With a shortage of good candidates, the bar for what constitutes an attractive employer is constantly rising and businesses need to up their game accordingly. The key to hiring and retention success is to examine these key areas and plan retention as well as recruitment strategies.

Contact Michelle Theuma at Onyx Recruitment for advice on building teams, salary surveys, and to find out more about the firm’s market leading, structured and robust recruitment services.

Serena Bower

A motivated, loyal workforce reduces operational costs and increases profitability. How? By providing the living link between your company values, your employees’ satisfaction and, ultimately, your customers’ experience.

As skills shortages begin to re-ignite post-Brexit, companies will need to achieve competitive advantage if they are to be able to attract and maintain great people.  Not doing so will leave them way behind.

Every CEO and business owner should aim to link people and profits, and to drive business success via employee wellbeing, engagement and trust. After all, your employees are your company’s secret weapon.

Here at Bower HR Consultancy Limited we have a framework which provides exactly that. Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is the blend of reasons why your employees work for you. It’s a truly holistic approach to generating trust, loyalty and, ultimately, sustainable profitability.

Kirti Patel –

During the pandemic, Career Inspiration has seen a change in the way that people are valuing work – they want to feel that there is a sense of belonging, irrespective of whether the work is office-based, remote or hybrid. 40% of remote workers (HR Grapevine, 2021) have felt disconnected from their employers due to a lack of communication, resulting in talented employees considering other opportunities.

Career Inspiration works with HR teams and business owners to help employers stay competitive by crafting or developing a culture of belonging, proactively responding to industry skills shortages, and designing tailored development plans for employees.

Sue Pardy –

Top 10 tips for managers to improve employees’ wellbeing:

  1. Be available
  2. Be open and share any personal struggles or challenges you might be facing
  3. Ask how they feel, and listen to the answer
  4. Trust people to deliver against clear, agreed goals
  5. Be realistic about expectations and timescale
  6. Recognise achievement and praise
  7. Explore with an open mind reasons for lack of achievement
  8. Avoid encouraging presenteeism e.g. 9-5 or timesheets
  9. Encourage people to set and own outputs and timescales
  10. Give permission for people to stop and take a break when needed

If you or your managers need any help with employee wellbeing or any other area of HR, contact Sue Pardy from face2faceHR.

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