Education > Could you inspire the next generation?

Could you inspire the next generation?

The skills, knowledge and experience you’ve gained in your career is incredibly valuable – but how many of us actually use it to inspire the next generation?

Northampton College is hosting a staff recruitment event to showcase how working in Further Education can prove a rewarding opportunity for you to make a difference. 

If you have industry experience, you could share those skills to train up the next generation of experts in their field, ensuring a constant pipeline of work-ready employees.

Pat Brennan-Barrett, principal of Northampton College, said:

“A career in teaching will revitalise your working life in a fresh and exciting way, enabling you to build on or develop new skills and enhance your career opportunities.

“Learning from people who have been there, seen it and done it themselves is important. It gives added credibility and proves you are speaking from experience. We want people to use that experience to inspire our students.

“Companies throughout Northamptonshire and beyond are always looking for the next wave of employees, the next intake of staff, and we want to be able to work with them to ensure the employees of the future are ready to hit the ground running when they are given an opportunity and grab their chance to shine.”

The recruitment fair will be held at Booth Lane from 5pm to 7pm on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.

Even if they are not yet ready to commit to a career in education, potential future applicants are welcome to come along and find out how their skills could one day transfer to a role at Northampton College.

Inspire next generation

Which roles are we recruiting for?

We are looking for passionate industry or educational professionals to join our team in a variety of roles, including:

  • People to teach theoretical and practical aspects of our courses
  • Assessors/trainers for apprenticeship programmes
  • Academic coaches – this role supports students through their learning journey and can lead to a teaching career
  • Learning support assistants

Which areas are we recruiting for?

We are looking for staff with a strong interest in educating and training the next generation, with a particular focus on:

  • Engineering – CAD, CNC, milling and turning, mechanical engineering
  • Manufacturing – footwear manufacturing
  • Construction – carpentry and joinery, electrical installations, plumbing and heating, brickwork and hard landscaping, painting, decorating and interior design, civil engineering, environmental technologies and renewables
  • Social Science – criminology, law, forensic science, psychology
    and sociology
  • Business – logistics management, business

To register online click here.