Education > Give employees the tools to thrive from home

Give employees the tools to thrive from home

The UK population is faced with a period of unprecedented uncertainty as it implements social distancing and adapts to new ways of working and communicating, thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic.

As business leaders, we must do all we can to support our employees and each other with this transition. So how can you support and motivate your team during this difficult time?

Jonika Kinchin, MK College’s Social Media Executive, takes a look at Distance Learning as a positive motivator for remote workers.

Milton Keynes College offers a whole range of free* online Distance Learning courses from Business Administration, Customer Service, to Team Leading, to Understanding Specific

Learning Difficulties.

This is the perfect opportunity to turn a negative situation into a positive one and encourage learning to aid with motivation, as well as growing self-confidence. All of MK College’s Distance Learning courses offer a Level 2 qualification and cover a specific topic in under ten units. Learners are assigned a dedicated tutor who will be available online or over the phone. Between three to four hours will need to be spent studying the course a week, with courses having varying durations. As well as professional skills, courses such as Mental Health First Aid can help individuals on a personal level, particularly in this rather unique and difficult situation.

Around 30% of UK office workers say they are more productive when working from home. Fewer distractions, a less stressful environment, no time wasted time on the commute are just a handful of the positives that come from working from home or away from the office.

How can Distance Learning courses benefit my business and employees?

Improve productivity

Working from home has its benefits, however those new to remote working might be tempted to throw the routine out of the window and find themselves distracted or feeling a little unfocused. Keeping standard routines as much as possible will help with productivity; get up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush your teeth and plan out your work priorities for the day. Additionally, different ways of working can help keep the brain active, through encouraging your employees to learn it will ignite curiosity and get them thinking in new ways.

Grow self-confidence

All our Distance Learning courses are Level 2 and are nationally recognised qualifications, they are by no means an easy option. Give your employees a sense of achievement and confidence in their ability to learn, enabling them to increase their self-esteem and cultivate a growth mindset.

Entertain to retain

Personal development is key in retaining your employees and encouraging them to want to stay and grow in their role. Keeping morale up will be essential in keeping your employees engaged.

During uncertain times, it is important for companies to keep their people engaged and focused, for the benefit of the business as well as their employees. Numerous studies have shown the impact that engaged employees have on the bottom line. So, giving your employees the tools and learning opportunities for personal development, and to aid with change, is an ideal solution to keep your employees supported, motivated, engaged and focused.

How can your employees make the most of Distance Learning?

We already know that working from home can increase productivity, however working and learning from home with not much differentiation in environment is a different ball game. Usually employees who are studying as part of their personal development plan can keep work at the office and their studies separate. Keeping work and study separate is essential to getting in the right mindset. As the courses require approximately four hours of study a week, setting aside two slots to complete this at the same time every week will evoke a sense of routine and familiarity. Studying in a different environment will also help, even if it’s just moving rooms or switching from desktop to laptop. Courses are also available for learners to complete on paper. Setting mini achievable goals is also beneficial when studying a course that has units. Completing this unit by this date is a good place to start to keep on track.

Natalie Oliver has worked in marketing for more than 20 years and recently completed a distance learning course to further develop her skills as a manager.

She said: “Aware of the changes in our society and the impact this would have on how I manage people, I wanted to be equipped with the right knowledge to support and help my team. The Distance Learning team were very informative, and I had a personal phone call with one of their specialists to make sure the course was right for me. I found the course interesting and I’ve put some of my learning into practice with my current role. Free online learning is a great way for adult learners to build their confidence and skills.”

*eligibility criteria applies.

Find out more about the courses offered by MK College and contact the dedicated Distance Learning Team at 01908 684154 or