As Collaborate MK kicked off its new year, Tim Lee had conversations about his plans for 2021 with Jono Poon.
So, Tim, how are things going with Collaborate MK?
Well Jono, to be frank, I’m delighted with the successes we’ve enjoyed. Already, we have over 150 members. At each online meeting, we’re averaging at least 65 attendees.
Tell us about the format of the networking meetings.
We begin with introductory presentations from visitors and new members. Then we break into groups of six or seven, each led by a facilitator. Their job is to make sure everyone in the room has an opportunity to briefly speak about their business. From this, inevitably, conversations develop. Within minutes, people who might have been complete strangers, are exchanging ideas and finding out what they have in common. It’s great. Conversations are what these meetings are all about.
Do you have plans for face-to-face meetings in the future?
Definitely Jono. Hopefully, come June or July, we’ll be able to safely launch our monthly, face-to-face meetings. We’ll be having over 100 people turning up to each one. They’ll almost be mini-exhibitions.
JP Sounds good Tim. Tell us a bit about your various packages?
Sure – starting with the Bronze package – for business people who simply want to network regularly in an atmosphere of mutual support. Then we have our Silver Package, which is an enhanced version of the Bronze. You get to sponsor a virtual event, at which you have your own 10-minute presentation slot as well as LinkedIn exposure. Finally, there’s the Gold Package, which gives you all the benefits of the Silver, plus access to the Collaborate MK Knowledge Hub. This resource gives training materials and advice on a massive raft of business issues, from social media, to networking, to business finance and business planning.
Are you offering any other services?
Oh yes. This year, I’ll be developing my Business Consultancy Service – working with all kinds of business people, who may be experts in their field but recognise gaps in their know-how. Networking, for example. I’ll also be using my amazing network of contacts to put them in touch with the kinds of people who can give them support. I’m really hoping to work with an often-neglected group – retail managers. There are so many ways in which networking with other retailers could help them develop their businesses.
Thank you Tim. Here’s to a great 2021!
For more information about Collaborate MK and more conversations visit or email
For more information about Jono Poon visit or email