Finance > Looking back with pride over another rewarding year

Looking back with pride over another rewarding year

At Hawsons we are driven by our core values, which have been integrated into the firm throughout 2023.

Looking back with pride over another rewarding yearOur values are to develop lasting relationships, to be ever-evolving, to be personable and to promote empowerment, unity, quality and growth. Throughout the year we have engaged in team building activities which have been based on each of the values.

In addition, the firm has continued to support people with developing their personal and professional skills with in-house and external training and support which all contributes to a positive working culture. The firm is proud to say that during the year staff have progressed from their training contracts and have stayed on to become a senior or a manager.

We can safely say that the firm is a truly international organisation, through our membership of HLB International, a global network of independent accounting and advisory firms. This year we have seen an increase in international enquiries, with well over 100 to date, and look to expand over the next few months, recruiting five new staff in our Northampton office.

We’ve also been actively involved in the local community by attending events, fundraising and supporting local businesses. We have recently attended a number of awards ceremonies, sponsored a player at Northampton Town FC, and are finishing the year by hosting a charity toy collection for the amazing Rainbows Hospice. We look forward to seeing what CSR and networking we can do going into the new year.

Looking back with pride over another rewarding yearAll of the above translates into seeing an increase of 17% in our fee income over 2023, even after overcoming challenges, including difficult economic circumstances. We are always determined to continue with the growth of the firm and its staff as we enter our 170th year of business in 2024.

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