Professional Services > Networking – the fun side of business

Networking – the fun side of business

Networking at its best! That’s the view of Paul Swales, financial adviser from Gregory Wealth Management LLP, when describing his first year of networking with Collaborate MK. In fact, Paul is such a fan of the region’s fastest-growing business networking group he’s become the sponsor of its entire Gold membership programme. Paul looks back at the exciting 12 months of his Collaborate MK membership.

‘Time flies when you’re having fun’. The adage couldn’t be more apt when used to describe my first 12 months of business networking with Collaborate MK. Prior to setting off on my journey as a financial planner, networking had been pretty much a foreign concept. I had no idea of the enormous benefits that would emerge.

True – networking presents its challenges – how to put together and present an engaging networking pitch; how to enter a room full of strangers and not be terrified! But, these challenges are massively outweighed by the enormous benefits – countless new experiences to enjoy and new relationships to cherish – many of them leading to the same result – new, long-lasting business opportunities.

As a financial planner, clients are my lifeblood. I’m forever on the lookout for new leads – people I can get to know and work with. My goal is to help them to make sense of their financial position and shape their futures, realising their life goals and aspirations, and smoothing out any bumps along the way. Together, we plan the journey ahead.

So, a steady flow of clients is vital to the success of my business. This is where Collaborate MK has provided such a positive force for good for my business. The leads and referrals that have come my way through my membership have proved to be true gold dust!

A family of growth-minded businesses

However, Collaborate MK is much more than just a lead-generating networking group. It’s a family – with over 200 members, so a pretty large one! Families are, of course, about relationships. The most valuable and long-lasting relationships are those that take time and consideration to nurture. This is what the Collaborate MK family encourages. We’re a family of growth-minded business owners from all corners of the business world, all eager to support each other, share connections, generate referrals and leads for one another – all this with no expectation of anything in return. Is it any surprise that we call our group Collaborate MK?

Networking on a different level

I’m delighted and honoured to be the sponsor of Collaborate MK Gold Membership. This premium membership delivers so many benefits to its members. Without doubt, the aspect I enjoy most is the opportunity to attend the Gold Workshops. This truly is networking on a different level.

The monthly workshops comprise round-table discussions, training and insights from individual industry experts. You simply choose the ‘topic table’ that’s of interest to you and then join in a face-to-face session with others who share the same interest. The insights you gain from the topic table expert can be invaluable. With Collaborate MK, there’s no lockout. We welcome getting to know others in our own sector – even competitors. Why not, when there’s so much we can learn from each other?

My last 12 months of Collaborate MK Gold Membership have given me a networking experience like no other – an environment where trusting relationships are built. We’re a group that wants to work together, sharing contacts and experiences, helping each other towards a happy and prosperous future. Collaborate MK gives all its members such wonderful opportunities, for business and for friendship. There’s no doubt in my mind – Collaborate MK is simply…networking at its best!

To find more about Collaborate MK contact Tim Lee at