Business > New chairperson at Foodbank has supportive future plans

New chairperson at Foodbank has supportive future plans

The new chairperson at Corby Foodbank is planning to introduce a new voluntary management board for the community service.

Sue Kennedy, a former child protection social worker, was appointed as chair of the foodbank at the end of last year.

She has been working closely with Corby Foodbank manager Martin Langford to put clear processes in place for the service and says her previous career has given her all the tools for the job.

“Not being registered as a social worker anymore means I can take a more active role in the foodbank,”

said Sue.

“There’s a lot of my experience including safeguarding, working with volunteers and helping with community projects, that is really useful in this setting.”

Sue is also church warden at St Peter and St Andrew’s Church in Beanfield Avenue, Corby, where the foodbank is based.

She added:

“The foodbank provides a safe place in our community for people to come and collect much needed food parcels, meet our wonderful team of volunteers and in turn, access our dedicated in-house Citizens Advice service.”

Sue – who will stay as chairperson for as long as she holds the church warden position – is working with Martin to develop a voluntary management board for the foodbank so that going forward, the service can be governed by an independent committee voted into their posts.

She said:

“Working with Martin has helped me to think about the next steps for the Foodbank. I’d like to see it develop its own voluntary management board so the chairperson can be chosen.

“I want everyone, including the Parochial Church Council and trustees, to know what their roles are and make sure that there are processes are in place, so we have a clear understanding of where the foodbank is going. In future, we’d like Corby Foodbank to become even more of a community hub for our town.”

For more information about Corby Foodbank visit