Education > Programmes continue to change futures

Programmes continue to change futures

As we come to the end of the year for the 2023/24 cohort of 16+ students, we couldn’t be more pleased with how they have approached the year, embraced the opportunity and grown in confidence, ready to take on the next steps in their lives.

Programmes continue to change futuresThe Foundation’s 16+ programmes provide opportunities for young people at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training). This year the Foundation team worked in partnership with Northampton College, YMCA and Premiership Rugby to deliver a breadth of programmes to 79 young people that incorporate education, enrichment opportunities and work experience, preparing them for the world of work or further education.

Elizabeth*, aged 17, joined HITZ in September 2023. Mental health struggles, including panic attacks and anxiety had impacted her education in recent years, causing her attendance to drop, affecting her GSCE results and limiting her post-16 options.

Elizabeth fell in love with HITZ instantly. The tailored approach, small class sizes and understanding of her learning needs in a safe and comfortable environment was a refreshing change to her mainstream school experience.

Throughout the year Elizabeth has demonstrated positive resilience, adopting a blended learning approach with classroom and remote working. Having already passed GCSE maths, she has been working to achieve GCSE English alongside her Level 1 Certificate in Employability. In March 2024 Elizabeth was diagnosed with autism, despite this, she has had an enjoyable and successful year on HITZ and is now preparing to return to the local college, while awaiting her results.

Programmes continue to change futuresElizabeth’s Nan said:

“HITZ has encouraged Elizabeth to be herself. She does not mask in front Danielle or Shirley [HITZ staff] anymore. She is more confident in herself and her surroundings. I would love for all students to be treated and understood as well as HITZ, and Shirley, have understood Elizabeth.”

To deliver successes such as these we rely on creating mutually beneficial partnerships with local companies that can provide support such as career conversations, site visits and work experience. We are grateful to all organisations that have given their time and commitment this year to help our young people make a positive change.

If you can help the Foundation continue to grow its work experience and enrichment opportunities, please get in touch.

*Name changed to protect identity.

Email for more information, or visit the website

Catherine Deans
Managing Director
Northampton Saints Foundation