Business > Simple solution that could keep us all safe

Simple solution that could keep us all safe

With vaccines being rolled out and the prospect of being able to visit loved ones in care homes increasing, it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that it remains of the utmost importance to maintain high levels of safety and hygiene in public places.

A new product that brings together all the measures we’ve become used to over the past few months in a simple and cost-effective way is set to transform the process of entering care homes, businesses, shops and hospitality venues and could be the solution.

The Genesis range offers an all-in-one temperature scanner, contactless hand sanitising station with full track and trace capability. Available in free standing, wall mounted or counter-top models to suit the premises, the equipment is available to lease at around just £20 a week.

Stephen Briggs, Managing Director of Global Procurers near Milton Keynes, the company behind Genesis, believes that the equipment will allow a smoother and less labour-intensive alternative to having staff at entrance points to carry out checks. It also avoids any awkward one-to-one confrontation and diffuses any difficult situations.

“We’ve all learned to live with those measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and there’s every indication that they will be with us for some time to come, so it makes sense to make it as easy as possible to install a simple solution that will help keep everyone safe,”

said Stephen.

“Care homes, in particular, are in a situation where relatives will be able to visit again soon, but they will want to make absolutely sure that anyone coming into the building is free of any virus or infection. It doesn’t have to be coronavirus, it makes sense to identify anyone who has a temperature – whether it’s just a cold or winter flu – before they go into a building and infect someone else. Think of the working days that could be saved by not having someone transmit to all their colleagues, or the lives that could be saved by not taking winter flu into a care home.”

Using Android technology, the units can be set to detect a safe range of temperatures; to sound audible and visual and email alerts if a high temperature is detected or a person is not wearing a mask when they should be. They have the capability to allow access to all those who enter the premises on a regular basis, such as staff members, and can also be pre-programmed with additional details of those who are visiting. The Genesis also records all visitors’ identities, temperature and whether a mask is worn.

The equipment can also be set for occupancy counts, so that the number of people within a building can be kept at safe levels.

Stephen added:

“It’s now possible, thanks to a cost-effective, easy-to-use solution that covers all the basic requirements of track and trace and safety and hygiene, to allow people to get together again.”