Technology > Support for all aspects of the education sector

Support for all aspects of the education sector

While the region’s schools, teachers and education leaders gear up for the inaugural Milton Keynes Education Awards later this year, it’s only fitting that the team that is right behind them in terms of providing the technology that keeps education moving is right there once again as headline sponsors of the event.

EasiPC provides a wide range of managed IT support and services for schools, and only for schools. Over the years, the EasiPC team has developed an in-depth understanding of what schools need and expect, and what programmes, software and hardware will work best for them. But, more importantly, the firm also has a clear understanding of what needs to be done in terms of safeguarding and meeting stringent Department of Education connectivity standards.

Expectations are always high within the education sector that safeguarding measures are reliable, for the safety of both pupils and staff when they’re using the internet, recognising that cyber crime is a real and growing threat and that appropriate protection needs to be in place.

Support for all aspects of the education sector

Its involvement with the education sector led EasiPC to partner with the event’s organiser, All Things Business, to launch the Milton Keynes Education Awards. Entries are open now for the awards and the winners will be announced at the finals at the Doubletree by Hilton at Stadium MK on Friday, September 22.


Russell Smith, Director of EasiPC, said:

“Our focus is entirely on schools and education, we don’t just have schools among our clients, we only have schools as clients, and that means we have an in-depth knowledge of what schools need and the issues they face.

“We’ve been very lucky to work with some amazing local schools and for that reason, we wanted to put something back, and to help celebrate the fantastic achievements of those in the education sector.”

EasiPC is recognised as a Microsoft in Education Global Training Partnership, one of a select group of National Microsoft partners to be awarded the GTP status. Given the shift in recent years to Multi Academy Trusts and how those trusts position themselves in terms of offering the best possible resources and services to the schools within them, EasiPC feels its education-focused offering is more important than ever.

Russell’s fellow Director, Neil Rock, said:

“In the education world, specialisms are important and we have a number of academy trusts that are looking to become Microsoft Showcase Schools. In order to do that they have to be able to demonstrate their IT credentials and agree to make themselves available as centres of best practice for other schools to learn from. They often need a steer on how they can achieve their aims and someone to guide them through the process. Our accreditations make us a natural fit to work with them on that journey.”

As one of the few IT service providers specialising in education in the region, EasiPC believes it has much to offer local schools. Russell Smith added:

“Our service does the heavy lifting and takes pressure off the school, we understand budget restraints and work with the resources available to ensure a school’s IT provision is working effectively and efficiently.

“We’re intrinsically linked with education and we feel like supporting the awards is one way to celebrate the success of the people with whom we work so closely.”

Find out more about EasiPC at call 01604 286682 or email