Business > Hospice receives donation from Amazon

Hospice receives donation from Amazon

A palliative care hospice in Milton Keynes has received support from the Amazon fulfilment centre in the town through a £1,000 donation.

Willen Hospice is the only adult care hospice in Milton Keynes, run by local people for local people, delivering calm, compassionate care to those at the end of their lives.

In 2019, the team from Amazon’s Milton Keynes fulfilment centre hosted a friendly football tournament that raised over £700 for Willen Hospice, which was bolstered by a further £3,000 donation from the fulfilment centre team.

Speaking on the donation, Victor Pulido, General Manager at Amazon in Milton Keynes, said: “It’s been a difficult year for both the staff and patients of Willen Hospice with so many restrictions in place because of COVID-19, so we hope this donation offers a boost to them.”

Nigel Birch, from Willen Hospice, added:

“COVID-19 has created many struggles for our nurses and carers, so we are so pleased to receive this donation from Amazon to lift our spirits. Thank you, Victor and team, for your support.”

The donation was made as part of Amazon’s programme to support the communities around its operating locations in the UK.

Community donations are one of a number of ways in which Amazon is supporting communities across the UK during COVID-19.

Amazon is providing disadvantaged students with online STEM courses as well as teaming up with charity partner Magic Breakfast and delivering more than four million healthy breakfasts to families around the UK.

For more information on how Amazon is supporting the UK during COVID-19, click here