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Help! Transformational research for the county

In the October article we introduced our research project about the role of local businesses in ‘transformational cross-sector social partnerships’. We asked for your help. We need your collaboration!

Our research paper at August’s British Academy of Management annual conference had addressed the pressures on businesses to work more collaboratively with other actors in the economy – the civic authorities and charities – to address social issues in our community. 

We know that many companies want to do more but are not sure how. It is our belief that local companies are well placed to deliver social value, through association with local partnerships, bringing business skills and resources to drive systemic change in issues such as youth violence.

We want to explore this concept of local social partnerships and help businesses focus their charitable activities for maximum benefit, for both themselves as well as the community – what we can call ‘value creation.’ 

Understanding, capturing and measuring social value is a new frontier for academic research. The focus on community is key. This can be directly linked to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth and Goal No. 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities. All businesses can – and should – play their part.

Research questions

  • The overall aim of our research study is to answer the following three questions about local social partnerships:
  • What are the motives for a business to engage?
  • What are the challenges faced when engaging? 
  • What help and support is needed?

Despite the considerable advances in our understanding of cross-sector partnering there remain several challenges in the treatment of value creation, such as a lack of a common vocabulary and definition of value; the need for suitable metrics to measure value; and the limited understanding of how collaborative models contribute to value creation.

The leading thinkers in this area are Harvard’s Professor James Austin and the University of Kent’s Dr May Seitanidi, also a Visiting Professor at the University of Northampton. The theoretical base for the proposed research is, therefore, Austin and Seitanidi’s ‘Collaborative Value Creation’ (CVC) framework. This has four main components:

  • Value creation spectrum: sources and types of value
  • The partnership process: from formation through to high performance
  • Collaboration stages: from philanthropic through  transactional to transformational approaches
  • Outcomes: articulation of the benefits for all parties and the community 

Research methodology

The main objective of the research is to understand how business, civic and charity collaboration can move from Stage 1 philanthropy to Stage 3 – a truly transformational impact.

The research will be conducted in Northamptonshire, drawing on a selection of firms undertaking charitable activities. The research will use qualitative methods consisting of focus groups; semi-structured interviews and analysis of local case studies.

We aim to conduct an initial pilot study with local businesses to understand how their current activities could evolve into transformational cross-sector partnerships. The conceptual framework will be tested through the  pilot study, to identify the key issues, factors and variables that impact on the overall aims and objectives of the research.

The research will deliver key insights for all involved – policy issues for the local authorities, new support initiatives for the University, new strategies and tools for local businesses, and a greater understanding of how to work with front-line local charities. 

We will be getting in touch shortly to invite you to participate in this innovative and valuable research project. Please help us to help you to help the local community – and at the same time improve your business environment.

Youth violence – a New Year appeal

One such emerging partnership is around youth violence in the county. The emerging coalition welcomes interest from local businesses to work with the Lieutenancy, the unitary authorities, Northants Police and a wide range of front-line charities in an innovative social partnership to address the worsening statistics around youth violence. 

Would you like to help?