Business > Glitz and glamour delivered to your door

Glitz and glamour delivered to your door

A night out at a glittering awards ceremony might feel like a distant memory, but as a VIP guest at the Northamptonshire Education Awards, you can experience all the sparkle and glamour in the comfort of your own home.

The annual awards have moved online to celebrate, after what has been a challenging year,  the fantastic schools, departments and individuals who have worked so hard to help and inspire children and young people across the county. 

It has never been more important to recognise the dedicated work that goes on in our education sector. After nearly a year of remote learning, constantly changing regulations and guidelines and seemingly endless stress for teachers, children and their parents, the education sector is ready for a much-needed boost.

Among the 11 categories to be announced on the night are Headteacher of the Year, Primary and Secondary Schools of the Year, the STEM Award and the School Business Manager of the Year.

To get everyone in the mood, all VIP guests will receive a Warner’s Gift Set complete with a selection of award-winning gins and nibbles, delivered direct to their door prior to the event. Alongside this, in between the award announcements, there will be an opportunity to chat and network with all the others who have joined in the event, as well as send Good Luck messages and congratulate the winners.

In addition, those who have family, friends or colleagues nominated for an award can take up the Friends and Family option, which does not include the Warner’s Gift Set, but gives you the chance to dip in and out of the ceremony to cheer on the finalists and send a Good Luck message.

VIP tickets are £30 plus VAT, with discounts for ‘tables’ of 10 or 20, while Friends and Family ticket are £5 plus VAT.