Networking online has become a crucial way to generate more business and keep your brand visible in the business community. There are lots of nuances to virtual networking, so here are some tips to help you make the most of new opportunities.
Before the event
- Who is good for you? – introducers, people similar to your best customers, suppliers and partners.
- Get your electronic business cards ready. Here are some alternatives to business cards; your LinkedIn link, blurb or offer are great ways to stay connected with people and give out your contact details.
- Elevator pitch – some events are very focused on pitches. Write a little introduction to your business in advance. If it’s a more casual event people will still ask you what you do. If you’ve just started your business, that’s great too!
During the event
- Have proper conversations. Personally, I believe that the more you talk to people on a human level the more business gets done. Great connections come from finding common goals, interests and ethoi (Yes I had to google the plural of ethos for this one!)
- Use the chat. Most online platforms have one. This is where you can paste your prepared business info.
- Move around – some events, such as our Business Buzz Networking, give you the ability to move around the virtual room as you like. That means you meet more people and allows productive conversations.
After the event
- Book your next event. It’s so easy to get busy and forget. The more often people see you and talk to you the more likely they are to remember you.
- Arrange one-to-ones – networking gives you the introduction but it’s the one-to-ones that help you get to know people properly. At Buzz we have the 321 rule; talk to three new people at each meeting, arrange at least two one-to-ones, invite one new contact to the next event.
- Interact. Stay in people’s minds by being supportive between the meetings. Interact on social media, especially with the organiser of the group, share connections and ideas. It will help you grow those all-important relationships.
If you’d like to book a free demo session to try Buzz, visit Beds My Buzz