Recruitment & HR > Recruiting in the face of a changing landscape

Recruiting in the face of a changing landscape

Michelle Theuma, Managing Director of Onyx Recruitment, discusses what 2021 holds for businesses employing job seekers and retaining key staff in this climate.

The recruitment landscape changed more dramatically than anyone could have predicted last year and 2021 promises to show the impact of this. So, what should local businesses be thinking about when planning strategies around retaining staff and recruiting?

Employee Engagement

Last year saw more people becoming disengaged with their employers as they were forced to work from home and the impact of not being around colleagues and managers was felt.  Passive candidates, who weren’t actively looking for a new role commenced a job search based on how their employers dealt with issues surrounding furlough and redundancy. This is the time for employers to reinvest in their current workforce by offering training, development opportunities and supporting employees with their mental health.

Culture is key

It always has been, but now more than ever businesses need to align their corporate goals alongside their culture and values to attract and retain talent. High performance teams are often created during times of crisis, as we revaluate core skills and strengths and implement learning development around areas of weakness.

Implementing a dedicated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy is a positive move even for small businesses to reinforce employee engagement and wellbeing by giving something back to the local community.  As a volunteer with local employability charity Worktree, I see so many volunteers from Milton Keynes business turn up to do their bit and then leave, having spent time discussing their personal career choices and decisions and remembering why they do their job and what they love about it.

Many businesses will have been forced to make redundancies in light of COVID-19 and the financial impact on the economy. The remaining team members will be under pressure to perform well and prove their worth but will also have felt the stress of the situation.

Recruitment strategy

As businesses look to strengthen their teams there will inevitably be a time to recruit externally and the number of experienced people in the marketplace will have increased. If you have the dedicated resource to coordinate a recruitment campaign, then costs can be kept to a minimum. But what should you do if you do not have the time and expertise internally to recruit directly?

This is where a recruitment company can help. The key is to work with an individual or a firm that you like. It sounds simple but it makes all the difference.

Recruiters are increasingly focusing on hiring for soft skills, the elements of the character fit that cannot be taught alongside the technical expertise for which you can upskill and train individuals.  An experienced recruiter can assess individuals on factors including emotional intelligence, drive, aspirations and core values – things you cannot always establish from a CV but that will be so important as we build teams in 2021.

If a recruiter has taken the time to understand your culture and what the business has been through over the last 12 months, then you have a far higher chance of them finding you a match in terms of your next employee.

The decision to recruit may be a sensitive one in light of what your business and your employees have been through; and the peace of mind that you are working with an experienced recruiter who cares about the longevity of the placement and the career move for the candidate is vital. It will make all the difference when making a key hiring decision and hopefully result in an easier, more enjoyable and open recruitment process.

Contact Onyx Recruitment on 07949 890178, email or visit Onyx Recruitment and to learn more about volunteering, visit Worktree