Business > Milton Keynes Tech Ecosystem Analysis

Milton Keynes Tech Ecosystem Analysis

Whitecap Consulting is working in partnership with Protospace to conduct an analysis of the tech ecosystem in Milton Keynes, which will culminate in a report later this year.

Milton Keynes has a productive, resilient economy with one of highest start-up rates in the UK, and is home to many large established businesses. Sitting at the heart of the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, digital tech will be important to MK’s future economic strength.  

Today, Milton Keynes is home to a diverse and fascinating range of digital technology organisations – from virtual reality and augmented reality, robotics, cybersecurity, software engineering, through to cloud computing businesses.

The ecosystem analysis will help to understand the local digital tech capabilities, identify sector specific opportunities, and to determine what is required to support strategic growth. 

Oliver Waters, co-founder at Protospace:

“The technology sector in Milton Keynes is growing rapidly – and Milton Keynes provides a convenient, connected and forward thinking environment for innovation and technology driven businesses. At Protospace we believe this report will be an important resource for the understanding and strategic development of the tech ecosystem in Milton Keynes.”

Lal Tawney, Director at Whitecap Consulting:

“Initial discussions with local organisations about the analysis has been overwhelmingly positive and I’m pleased that MK Council has agreed to be one of the sponsors of the analysis. We are looking forward to working with Protospace, local organisations and supporters to analyse the sector, and to recommend how to develop MK’s digital tech ecosystem.”  

The proposed report would be freely available alongside Whitecap’s extensive tech sector publications that have been carried out for other UK cities – these reports have acted as “catalysts” for those sectors. View the reports.

As a freely available report the project requires several “crowdfunding” partners. The report will offer regional and national exposure for supporting organisations, enhancing association with innovation and positioning as an active supporter of the regional technology sector. Partners will also have the opportunity to provide input and feedback which may offer opportunities to gain additional strategic insights as a part of the research.

If you are interested in taking part in the project and/or supporting as a sponsorship partner, please contact us via or call Lal on 01908 041228.